SLINGER, Wisconsin – Plans for random drug testing of high school students involved in extracurricular activities have fallen by the wayside as the focus has shifted to prevention. The Slinger School Board endorsed a plan Monday to develop a community wide program that would attack risky behavior by youths. “It’s a tough issue, and progress doesn’t come easily,” said Slinger High School Principal Paul Nelsen, who made a presentation to the board about the results of a survey of 1,310 students in grades six to 12. The survey analyzed risk-taking behaviors as well as “developmental assets” that help prevent such behaviors. Nelsen said the ideal is for children to have at least 31 of a possible 40 assets. Assets include[…]
Month: January 2021
JEFFERSON CITY — The Missouri Senate’s plan to fight drunken driving — by placing a series of conditions on enforcement of its provisions — pleased no one Wednesday when it was presented to a House panel. The beverage and restaurant industries lined up to oppose the plan, which would lower the blood-alcohol level at which driving is illegal from 0.10 percent to 0.08 percent. They argued that such a reduction would do little to stop alcohol-related accidents because most fatalities involve habitual drinkers with blood-alcohol levels over 0.15 percent. Anti-drunken driving advocates or Dui attorney and state traffic safety officials also expressed skepticism toward the bill, which places a series of conditions on enforcement of the law. They said they[…]
License suspensions for underage drinkers at issue MADISON, Wisconsin – Wisconsin is on the brink of a crackdown on repeat drunken drivers, but disagreement over license suspensions for underage drinkers could sink those efforts. The state Senate and Assembly have passed separate bills that increase penalties for repeat offenders, using a graduated scale of penalties linked to how intoxicated the repeaters were at the time of arrest. Provisions of the two measures are similar, but the Assembly bill goes a step further: It punishes underage drinking violations with driver’s license suspensions regardless of whether those drinking offenses are linked to driving. Monroe dwi attorney can properly provide you information and legal aid. “We have to send a message to young[…]